Cooking With Gas
Published By mike
Last week Monday the crew from Chupp Brothers Construction showed up to start on the project. They were off to a great start on Monday, they got settled in (warming area set up, etc.) and then started in but about halfway through the day one of the wheels on their lift locked up. So that set them back just a bit. They brought a different lift out on Tuesday and really made some stuff happen.
Tuesday’s Status:
Wednesday’s Status:
And the status on Saturday when I visited the site:
One thing that we found a while back but I couldn’t get a good picture of until the ceiling was down is the original front of the building. When they added on to the front of it, they took out most of the wall that used to be the front exterior wall (so that there is one big room on the main level and upstairs) but they left the part of it that’s in the attic.
Now, I know I’m a couple of days late on this post (I should have had it up Saturday night already) so here’s a little teaser for this week’s post. (from today)